Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Brian got through his procedure. The doctors were able to successfully balloon the clot even though it was much larger than they had thought. They were also able to stimulate his collateral circulation by pushing blood through the collateral veins. I attempted to explain collateral circulation in a previous update with our analogy about driving to Ann Arbor. If the expressway is the superior vena cava (artery with the clot) then the side streets are the collateral circulation. We hope that with a clear flow, fluid will no longer be forced into Brian's tissue and chest preventing Brian from continuing to lose his white blood cells. His swelling would also go down. The nurses have joked with us that Brian read the CDH manual because he has taken on every possible complication. Katie Naves (one of Alyssa's closest friends that spent the day with us) asked for a sneak preview of the next chapter. Complications after today's successful procedure still include infection and the possibility of the procedure not working. Another concern is the effect the dye or contrast will have on Brian's already struggling kidneys. Prior to the procedure Brian has had adequate urine output. His problem has been high creatinine levels which indicate he is not eliminating toxins from his body. The contrast is another toxin. Worst case is he may need dialysis for a period of time. This whole situation feels like it's never going to end. Today Brian is 50 days old. Alyssa and I would like to know how many pages this manual has.


  1. You two just keep doing what you are doing, cuz if Brian is following the book, than the two of you are following the best parents book for sure! He is a little stinker. I think we will have smooth sailing for the next couple of chapters! As always continued love and prayers to all-Go Blue but wear lime green bracelets!

  2. We continue to send you love, light and prayers. The Connollys.

  3. Thank God he made it through! Wearing the green bracelet today and thinking of all of you. Corey - you missed your calling, should be a doc/teacher. When at a bank will you ever explain "superior vena cava" to a customer? Hang in there mom and dad.

  4. I think the hospital should award the two of you honorary medical degrees after all that you have learned! Brian is lucky to have you for parents.

    We are rooting for you and check your site often for updates. Sending love and prayers and HUGS from Connecticut!

    Sarah and Duke Borgerding

  5. How's the little fighter doing today?

    Keep looking for an update to see how the procedure is effecting him! Praying that it was a sucess with minimal set backs!

    Jennifer Durand Mi

  6. I am so amazed at how he keeps fighting more and more every day. I am alo amazed at your strength as parents. I can not imagine how stressful this all can be. Remember to take time out for yourselves. We love you and pray for your every day. Can't wait to meet this amazing little man at Christmas. I know he will be there!!! Love you guys!!

    Danielle Ugorowski
