Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Brian's had his MRI this morning. The doctors think they can help Brian's chylothorax so he has been scheduled for an angioplasty tomorrow at about 1:00. The doctor's plan is to run a line through the vein in Brian's neck and groin. They hope to work the line into the middle of the clot and balloon a hole to allow fluid to drain. The doctors will also try to place a stint to ensure the hole stays open. There are 2 big risks associated with this procedure. There is a chance the fluid or contrast injected in Brian to help the doctor's see what they're doing can trigger a pulmonary hypertensive crisis. One of the major issues with CDH babies is pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary hypertension is already an issue for Brian. It was one of the biggest obstacles that prevented Brian for getting off ECMO. Right now the doctors are managing Brian's pulmonary hypertension with a drug called flolan. The other risk is simply that the procedure is unsuccessful. This is already the second attempt to correct the chylothorax. The longer Brian drains white blood cells from his chest tube the greater the risk of an infection that could potentially kill him. The cardiologist that talked to us about the procedure referred to it as the last option. Alyssa and I are optimistic because Brian has always pulled though at the very last minute and we are confident he will do it again.


  1. Corey and Family,
    I am reading your information about Brian on a daily basis and you are all in my thoughts and prayers. He seems so strong and determined and I agree that he will pull through this one, too.
    Pat Whitledge

  2. Brian is one tough little guy! He keeps coming back and I'm sure will continue to fight. Love.

  3. Brian is such a strong-willed little man and continues to show us all over and over again just how strong he is. With hundreds of prayers going out to you each and every day, I know that God will continue to watch over Brian and he'll show us again just how strong he really is. Thank you for continuing to keep us all posted on his condition.


  4. I know Brian's little guardian angel will be taking care of him as he goes through this procedure. As always my thoughts and continued prayers are with you all. God bless all of you.
    Marilyn Vanucci

  5. With the present storms surrounding little Brian, the sea about us looks horribly treacherous. Look up and see Jesus walking on the stormy water towards you. He can and does help.

    A heartfelt thank you, Corey and Alyssa, for the constant blog information and pictures of your precious bundle Brian. Corey, your constant effort to provide clear information is most successful. Alyssa, in your blogs and picture comments we can feel your love for litttle Brian as well as you entire family group. Indeed all your relqtives and friends feel that love and concern also.

    I'm sure that most of us have an increased appreciation of our Lord's words,"Pray without ceasing." It is our hope and prayer that "our wills and desires" are in line with "His good and gracious will." May He bless, support, and strengthen you, Johnny, and little Brian at this particularly critical time in little Brian's life!

  6. Brian will be in our hearts and minds and in our prayers until we receive the good news that he has pulled thru again. He is being taken care of by the angels.

    We will be watching the blog to hear the results.

    Love Aunt Linda and Uncle Mark

  7. We pray for all of you. May god do what needs to be done here. I pray that you will all make it through this and be better people for it. We love all of you.

  8. Still praying and thinking about precious little Brian. He is one tough snot as Uncle Kevin would call him. Praying for the best tomorrow.
    Love you guys

  9. Come on little man! Sending lots of love and prayers for you and your family that way. Wish that I could be there with you. I can't wait to see those little eyes again soon. Hugs and kisses.

  10. thanks for all the updates i will be praying today for brian's surgery! God has his hand on this baby and he IS a miracle baby....another miracle isn't too hard for God! Stay strong in faith; can't wait to hear the great news when the surgery is over!

  11. Keep up posted, as always I am praying for your little boy and your family!

    Jennifer- Durand

  12. Corey & Alyssa
    God has been beside Brian since the day he was born. He will be by his side during today's procedure. We are praying more than ever today as you all prepare for his surgery. May you find strengh, peace and faith during this, what I'm sure will be the longest of days!
    The Setera's

  13. You are all on my mind, in my thoughts and in my prayers. Linda - xo

  14. We pray you continue to sense the love and prayers that come to you to hold you up and encourage your hearts. Many continue to stand in the gap for you guys, and your precious blessing baby Brian, and we're here at least until little Brian is resolved to come to his own house!:) Life is fragile, He gives us strength. "When we are weak, then we are strong.":)

    God, grant wisdom to the doctors in this procedure. What was thought to be a side-issue has made itself into a significant challenge. We ask that You once again intervene on precious baby Brian's behalf with a supernatural touch of healing and cause the fluid to drain from his tissues. Give steadfast peace to his mom and dad whose hearts overflow with love for this little one. We thank You for Your gracious help once again.

    Peace and strength to you all, you are loved.
