Thursday, September 10, 2009

The doctors concern yesterday was Brian's kidney function. All of the medicine Brian has been getting now for 6 weeks have been very hard on his kidney's, especially the antibiotics and the lasix. Lasix is the medicine that makes Brian pee and is necessary to help him eliminate the extra fluid. The doctors were forced to stop the lasix yesterday, despite Brian still being very swollen because there were signs that Brian's kidney's were starting to fail. Brian's kidney issues were not a surprise to the doctors because of the level and duration of the critical care and medicine Brian has received.

We called this morning to find out that Brain had an excellent night. His urine output had increased without lasix which means his kidney function had improved. He allowed the nurse to change his bedding and even give him a sponge bath. The bath is a huge step for us because it's the first real bath he has had since he was born. His condition has only continued to improve this morning. His oxygen saturation, blood pressure and heart rate are at perfect levels and he is breathing with less support from the ventilator. He has also continued to pee and his potassium and creatinine levels are normal so his kidneys seem to now be functioning properly. Brian is still very swollen but that will go down in time. This is the best day Brian has had in a long time.


  1. Oh praise God!!
    It sounds like Brian has just been waaaiiiting to show everyone what he can do on his own!! His first words just might be "I can do it myself! See!" :)

    Precious little blessing Brian, you have given us all so many reminders of God's hand and loving care in our lives. Thank you loving Heavenly Father, for Your healing mercies manifesting in this precious one's life. Oh what joy!

  2. Someone twittered this a couple days ago:

    "The road ahead is filled with opportunities to trust God and to experience His transforming presence. There is no reason to fear."

    So true. Be blessed.

  3. That is such wonderful news, praise God!!! The Hall family is keeping all of you close in thought and prayer.

  4. Wonderful news!!!

    The Friedrich's in KY

  5. Way to go little guy, you put a smile on my face today!! I needed it! Keep up the good work, look out Johnny your little brother is a tough fighter, you won't be able to pick on him :)!!

    Those braclets are a great idea, someday Brian can meet all these people who wear a green braclet with pride!!

    Prayers continue,
    Jennifer Durand mi

  6. Don't know you all, but some ladies at my church do outreach at The Ronald McDonald house. They told me to pray for your son, and I have been. Today is the first time I been able to see this site. What a God we serve! And praise to His mighty Name! All things are possible. Keep hope alive. Bless you all, Jan Linenfelser @ NorthBrook Church in Carleton MI

  7. O.k. little man, keep it going--no backwards steps for a few more days or maybe not at all!! First a bath and next lucky giraffe socks! Just a reminder, your name means Strenght! Keep fighting! As always, continued love and prayers for all.

  8. Such a great encouraging post! So happy to hear he is doing well and peeing great and everything! PRAISE GOD!! THis is a miracle baby!! Keep up the improving Brian!! EVEryone is praying for you and loves you!
