Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hes back. They were able to accomplish there goal. Hes was pissed but he got through it. Corey is better at giving medical details so he will be updating after we spend some time with Brian.


  1. awesome good to hear! still praying

  2. Harper's cath lab trip to stint the SVC was unsuccessful as well. You two have a great attitude about Brian's challenges and that undoubtedly helps his progress!!!
    We had a hard day today too. Harper went to a pediatric opthamologist and we recieved discouraging news about Harper's vision. Surgery in the next couple of weeks ... I will be in A2 all week next week. Please send your email address and we'll see if we can get together.
    J.J. Porretta ... aka Harper's mom

  3. sometimes pissed works!!! can ya really blame him? keep on fighting little superman--you are always in my prayers and so is your strong mom and dad and your big bro!! hang tuff and recover quickly!! hope to see ya soon--Amy

  4. Wonderful news after a long afternoon of waiting. Love to you all MUGA

  5. Glad to see he is fighting like he always does.. what a little toughy ! Prayers still coming your way. Becky

  6. I had a hard time working today, waiting for updates. Thanks so much for taking precious time to do this. You all are loved, and in my constant prayers. Fight on Bri-man!

    Kim Mumby
