Friday, September 18, 2009

Goodbye Sweet Brian

When we got to the hospital today the doctors said that they felt they had done everything that they could for Brian. Brian was exhausted and had given everything he could... They were able to keep him comfortable for all of us to get here and say our goodbyes. Brian James Friedrich was taken by his angel this afternoon in his mommy's and daddy's arms. He will surely be missed. Thank you for all of your continuous prayers. They were able to get some family pictures today and Corey hopes to be able to post some pictures at a later time.


  1. Brian was a strong little boy that fought very hard for 53 days. He is whole now and will be missed.

  2. Brian was a fighter and lasted longer than alot of people thought he would, but most of all I'm proud of his courageous parents! They did everything humanly possible to bring him home but God had other plans for him. He is our little angel now. Sleep peacefully little man. As always continued love and prayers! We love you all Phil and Deb

  3. Words will never be able to express how sorry we are at the loss of "Baby Brian"! He will forever be remembered as a little fighter. Corey & Alyssa, you did good! I pray for strength and peace in knowing that he is with God and he has no problems breathing or any of the other things that he fought so hard to beat. He will forever be in so many hearts and I know he is proud to be your son! Love and prayers~ The Setera's

  4. Although nothing anyone says or does will bring little Brian back, know that he is safe and sounds in the arms of his angel now, and will look after your family. As parents, you did the best thing that you could ever do for your child, and that was give him a chance at life. Brian knew that he was loved more than life itself and will continue to shine down on you from Heaven, until you are one day reunited.

  5. We were so proud of him. He fought every day. We went to bed each night praying for your little guy. We are with you. God bless you for all your fighting and the love and support. You did great. He is a champion, through and through.

  6. Prayers of strength and comfort be with all of you at this time. Even though God has taken him to be His own, Angel Brian will now watch over us.
    The Cummings

  7. i have been following religiously after being made aware that your family needed prayers through a friend. i prayed for strength of you, the parents. i prayed for strength of the nurses and doctors. i prayed for strength of this little precious baby. i pray now for peace for your entire family. i am so sorry for your generic as this sounds i am so very sad for you. God bless you.

  8. Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Remember that Brian fought hard for almost 2 months, but he is in a better place now where he won't have to fight anymore. He'll be with you, watching over you from now on.

    Janice Rumph

  9. Words can't express how sorry I am to hear of your tremendous loss. May you find solace in the thoughts and prayers that have been with you through these past weeks and will continue to be said for you in the days to come. You have your angel Brian to watch over all of you.
    Marilyn Vanucci

  10. My heart breaks to read this and i am so sorry. I am here for you guys and I am thinking of you. Not a day went by with out your family in my thoughts. I love you so much and know Brian is now an angel.

  11. I cryed when i read this. I am so sorry to hear this. He was a fighter and now you have a angel.

  12. God's will be done my dear ones. I pray to God to give you strength and peace of heart. You are strong and faithful servants and have done well. Little Brian touched the hearts of so many. Perhaps that was God's plan for him. Now he rests in the Saviors arms at peace and whole. We are as always here for you in whatever and whenever you may need. God's Peace... Kristi, Cathy and Vern

  13. Brian was a strong little boy and his parents and brother are stong also! You are in our prayers and Brian is a beautiful angel looking down on all of you now. God Bless You!
    Love, The Fagers

  14. God Bless You Brian and your family. You are loved my many.
    Kevin M.

  15. My heart goes out to you all. Corey, May God bless you and your family in your time of sorrow.Baby Brian was a very strong little guy that just grew tired.God bless the little angel.

    Linda Cordle (235)



  18. You were the strongest of parents and baby Brian had to know how much he was loved. You were in our prayers and you will continue to be in our prayers as you go on.
    Love the Scramlins LC and Jackie

  19. Our prayers are with you at this time. We are so proud of you and how you took care of your little angel while he was here. Taking the time to write this blog for all to see was amazing. Brian will be with us in our hearts. We love you!!! Unle Mark and Aunt Rosanne

  20. God Bless you are loved!
    Dave and Nancy

  21. Brian has wonderful parents. He left knowing he was loved by all. God will take care of him and he will always be with you. We will pray for peace and comfort.

    The Barrons

  22. It is impossible to come up with the right words during a time like this . . . taking the road less traveled is filled with mystery and faith, joy and despair, questions and confusion. But only remarkable and strong people like you take the road less traveled and because of that the Universe, the Source of all Light, will provide you with exactly what you need to heal. We, just as Brian, are placed on this physical plane for a purpose and that purpose is inevitably revealed through the spiritual world. Rely on spirit -- it will not fail you. We worked in our garden yesterday and planted a Hosta in Brian's honor and will always have a deeper understanding of the road less traveled. You are loved as is Brian. The Connollys

  23. I Want to Thank you for sharing your baby with all of us. Not a day went by that I didn't think of your family and everyday I was amazed by your strength, your attitude, and your willingness to share your life with us. Baby Brian although his life was short here on earth he has made a huge impact on my life. Sometimes it is easy to take your life for granted and Brian fought so hard just to hold on. I think that he has touched so many here and now he can touch so many more now that he can rest. He was a true teacher and my heart goes out to you because he was truly something special! Baby Brian--a fighter--a superman--a teacher, Thank you Brian and thank you Cory and Alyssa for sharing your special little man with us! I hope that you can find some kinda of comfort at this time of grief knowing that you did everything that you could and now Brian can help you from were he is. As always thinking of you--Amy

  24. He was very strong and held on for as long as he could. Awlays rember everything happens for a reason. May God be with you and your family.

    Kellie P.

  25. You are all in our prayers. Brian was very lucky to have such wonderful and loving parents as the two of you. Be strong and know that you have many people who are praying for you in your time of need. May God bless little Brian and may he watch over you all.
    Love always,
    Uncle Paul, Aunt Denise, Cameron and Justin

  26. Corey and Alyssa! I am so sorry! I just found out. May God give you peace! Your little angel is in Heaven free of pain and happy. One day, you will see him again.God Bless you and your family.

  27. We are so sorry to hear that Baby Brian is no longer with us but rest assured that he is in a wonderful place looking down on us. Our continuted prayers for all of you. May God bless you and keep you and may Brian's light forever shine in heaven.
    The Martins

  28. Brian was so lucky to have you as parents, I have never met you face to face, but have followed this blog every day since Kristin Shaw-Ragsdale said you needed prayers. There are children you live to be adults that will never feel the love this little baby felt in his 53 days!
    You are amazing, and you gave your everything!! Now know that baby Brian is at peace and no longer fighting but enjoying his eternal life! And you have our continued prayers for strength and peace in the days, weeks and years that follow.
    Rest in peace little man!!

    Jennifer Lessard -Durand MI

  29. Brian is finally at peace, and I hope that God's love will eventually bring peace to both of you Corey and Alyssa, as well as the rest of Brian's family and friends. He was such an amazing little boy even though I didn't personally get to meet him. Just know that our love and prayers are with you all.
    Brandy Thompson

  30. Corey and Alyssa,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Gary did a good job keeping me up to date on his status these past few weeks and I am grateful. Baby Brian was such a little fighter and gave it his all and is now at rest to suffer no more. He certainly had the family trait based upon your strength and courage. May you take comfort in knowing that there are so many others that share your loss during this trying time. My sincere sympathy to all that Brian touched in such a special way. May his memory live in your hearts forever more......

  31. I'm so sorry for your loss as a parent I dont know how I would be able to handle all these raw emotions. You are very stong willed thats for sure. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Your family will be forever in my thoughts.
