Friday, September 4, 2009

Saturday, September 4

Last night was very difficult for Brian. The doctors were forced to increase support. The jet was adjusted to 30 at one point and is now at 29. I had the opportunity to talk to Dr. M today. He confirmed Brian has an infection that is being treated with antibiotics. The doctors plan for now is to simply support Brian as well as they can while he fights the infection.


  1. I don't know how you guys hold up so well with the one step forward and two steps back. I get so excited when I read that he's done so well and the new pics of him with his eyes open and looking into the camera, then I get so discouraged when I read he's having a bad day or night. I know you must feel this way x 1 million!
    Jennifer- Durand Mi

    I am so sorry your family is going through this and I am continuing to pray for more good days and nights!! I also pray you can all stay strong, I admire the stregnth you have shown thus far!

  2. Your little man has proven to be a fighter and God has proven to be ever present! Our prayers continue and I am sending you a big hug of love and support!! Nancy and Dave
