Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday, September 5

Brian's condition remained about the same over night. Shortly after we got to the hospital Brian began to struggle again which resulted in an increase in the jet to 32.


  1. Sorry to hear that. And you must be using a different calendar than mine. Mine says today is the 5th.

  2. Hang in there, little Brian! Hang in there, all of you who surround the baby with your love, prayers, and tender care. In an earlier comment we quoted the Bible passage in which God says, "I will give My angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways." The rest of the passage states, "They shall bear thee up in their arms lest thou dash thy foot against a stone."
    God always keeps His promises and little Brian's angels are very busy right now. Take comfort in that promise. Besides all his great earthly doctors, Brian is being cared for by the greatest of all doctors, who also calls Brian His own. Love,
    Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Stuecher

  3. The hospital angels watch over little Brian while you're away. God Bless them all, what special people they are! I know the stress is overwhelming but do try to get a little R & R this weekend. Your family always in my prayers.
    Joyce C.

  4. Prayers are continuing for Brian and family. Becky

  5. May you continue to be strong in spirit precious little blessing Brian, strengthened by His Spirit in your inner man, healing from the inside out. May you be touched from the top of your precious little head to the tips of your teeny tiny toes with divine healing and wholeness. Father God, cause that medicine again to effect a healing and a cure from any more infection.

    Brian is so blessed to have such a strong, loving, caring family. He will draw strength from your own spiritual strength and presence too, and hearing your voice and seeing your faces. May you continue to sense His peace that passes all understanding.

  6. Always thinking about you guys. Hang in there and know that although the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you have friends and family their to support you. Brian still is fighting like a mad man,and hasn't given up and neither will the prayers coming your way! Amy Dawson
